Three Italian Whites that put Spring in your glass

Spring has officially arrived, and the warmer temps make me think we’ve turned that corner. Last Saturday – in an attempt to curry favor with the weather gods and get ready for Spring – we opened a Pinot Bianco from Alto Adige for in-store tasting. It’s been a long-time favorite bottle of mine from a long-time favorite region, and the wine turned out to be such a hit with everyone who tasted it, that I wanted to make sure everyone that didn’t make it in to taste knows it’s here and why it was such a hit. 

Not to be outdone by Alto Adige though, we’ve added a couple more Italian whites to keep our spirits up. 

Tre Monti’s Albana from Emilia-Romagna technically falls into the skin contact (orange) wine category, but this wine is really more dark gold in the glass, and full of texture that supports the herbal and salty citrus components that really make this a great wine for the season.

Moving northeast into Collio, we just picked up a new wine from Zuani that’s made up of Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, and Friulano. It’s a perfect team effort as these grapes deliver fresh stone–fruits, soft texture, and a bit of almond – creating a complete wine story that was written for Spring. 

Give us a call to set something aside for pick-up or delivery, or to talk through putting a fun case together. 

Last but not least, the weather looks like rain Saturday, but stop in as chances are good that another bottle will be open to try....

Happy tasting!